Monday, January 30, 2012

Renal Biopsy

Haloooo!! lama oh x update blog.. hehe..biasa lah.. malas. ;p
ok,kali ni nk tulis entry pasal penyakit aku ni ha..
maklumlah,dari kecik lagi da punya pengalaman sakit bagai ni..
skarang umur pun da makin meningkat..penyakit yg sama juga ada..
ok,start with.. "JAMU"
jamu? apa jamu yg aku makan? honestly,aku ni xde la gemuk mana. tiup angin pun boleh melayang..tapi ntah,mata sendiri terasa mokkk sangat. maka aku cari jalan mudah selain jogging,gym segala memandangkan aku ni RAJIN sgt..ok,nk kurus punya pasal,aku ambil YUSMIRA PATI HALIA.. boleh tahan gak makan ni..berak2 tu mmg selalu dah. asal makan je,cirit tembak.. nak dekat 2 tahun gak aku ambil. so bila aku da xde budget nk beli mende tu,aku stop la dlm setahun.. last raya 2011,nafsu makan membuak2.maklumlah,pagi raya semua makanan faberet depan mata(skarang ni pun da tertelan ayaq liur..sedapnye ketupat lodeh rendang kari ayam!!!!) ..raya tu mmg aku melantak kao2..pastu x berry2..
apa masalah erk? ntah ler.. so aku ambil la bali jamu tu.mkn punya mkn.. 2nd week of raya,kaki aku asik membengkak..mcm gajah! seminggu jugak lah..
then rasa mcm x bes,aku gi la klinik bawah ofis tu..doktor minta ujian air kencing..
dan yg best,doktor terus kuar surat masuk spital.sbb dlm urine aku byk protein & darah dan masa tu aku x period pun! hah?? apa jadi??
rupanya doktor suspek kidney aku bocor. :|
terkedu,nak nangis, tapi suka pun ade.hahaha.

ok lah, pung pang pung pang..aku decide nak buat check up kt Hospital Pakar Sultanah Fatiman,Muar.. kampung halaman ada..kalau kena tahan ward pun sedara mara sume ade..kalo duk KL,sape je nk tgk aku? semua org luar.. susah..lagi pun "aku bukan siapa2"..

ok, so sepatutnya akak nurse tu kata aku kena warded..tapi doktor ni nk test aku punya urine..doktor yg 1st cek aku tu la yg ckp punca nya aku ambil jamu.. so aku cam.. ok,i should stop. mmg aku benti ambil yusmira tu.sbb doktor kata dlm tu ada chemical punca rosak buah pinggang..hmm..then i folow..
maka setiap 2 bulan aku kena balik muar 2 x dlm masa 2 minggu.
minggu pertama ambil darah & urine test. minggu kedua result..
dan berlarutan sampai 6 bulan..
dan kali ke 3 tu lah,doktor pun pelik apekehe aku ni. so dia mintak aku buat renal biopsy.. and akan masuk ward selama 2 hari. kejap je..
tapi 2 minggu sebelum tu aku neves..sampai la skarang.. lagi 5 hari je nk masuk ward ni.
neves bukan ape, aku x pernah terpikir akan masuk bilik operate.mcm2 dah aku pk ni..
siap google bila google,aku pun jumpa la entry2 pasal renal biopsy ni..

then aku share..sila la baca.. seram lagi walopon x berisiko langsung.hahah..
adehhh..aku takut tgk jarum renal tu sebenarnye (_ _!)
panjang besar kot. bape dalam dia nk tebuk? dah la pas buat renal tu, aku kena meniarap atas katil sampai esok hari! Allah,seksa sungguh! x bleh dah main bowling sminggu.rugi rugi..hahaha. yang pasti nk kena standby youtube,earphone,ipad kalo boleh! haha.ok lah,jom baca pasal renal biops ni..

Kidney Biopsy (Renal Biopsy)

A kidney biopsy involves taking a small sample of tissue from the kidney. Cells from the kidney can then be looked at in detail. It is used to diagnose and monitor certain conditions.
Note: the information below is a general guide only. The arrangements, and the way tests are performed, may vary between different hospitals. Always follow the instructions given by your doctor or local hospital.

What is a kidney biopsy?

A biopsy is when a small sample of tissue is removed from a part of the body. The sample is looked at under a microscope, or tested in other ways. A kidney biopsy (sometimes called a renal biopsy) is when a small sample of kidney tissue is removed.
A kidney biopsy is done to diagnose and monitor certain conditions of the kidney. For example, inflammation of the kidney, which can be due to various causes, and cancer of the kidney. It is also used to monitor kidney transplants.

How is it done?

Your kidneys lie just under the ribcage, towards the side and back of your upper abdomen. So, you will usually be asked to lie on your front on a couch or bed. The skin over a kidney is cleaned with antiseptic. Local anaesthetic is then injected into a small area of skin and tissues just over the kidney to be biopsied. This stings a little at first, but then makes the skin numb.
If the biopsy is of a transplanted kidney, you will be asked to lie on your back and the local anaesthetic is put into the skin over the transplant.
A special hollow needle is then pushed through the skin and muscle into the kidney tissue to obtain a small sample. Because of the local anaesthetic, you should not feel any pain. However, you may feel some pressure as the doctor pushes on the needle. The needle is inserted and withdrawn quickly, bringing with it a small sample of kidney tissue.
You will have to hold your breath for 5-10 seconds when the needle is pushed in and out (you will be told exactly when). This is because the kidneys move slightly when you breathe in and out.
During the biopsy an ultrasound scanner is often used to help the doctor. The ultrasound scan locates the kidney so the biopsy needle is inserted at exactly the right place. The scan is painless.

What preparation is needed before a kidney biopsy?

You will usually have a blood test done shortly before the biopsy to check how well your blood will clot. This is to make sure that you are not likely to bleed following the biopsy. You may be advised not to take any medicines that affect blood clotting, such as aspirin and warfarin, for one week before the biopsy. (You may need to discuss your medication with your doctor if you take such medicines for other conditions.)
You will need to sign a consent form at some point before the procedure to say that you understand what it involves, and the small risk.

What are the risks of kidney biopsy?

Complications are uncommon. In a small number of cases there is some bleeding from the biopsy site. This is usually minor, and soon stops. Occasionally, the bleeding is more severe. Rarely, the bleeding requires a blood transfusion and/or an operation to deal with it. The main reason that you are monitored for several hours after the biopsy is to check for bleeding. There is a small risk that the small wound will become infected after the biopsy.

After a kidney biopsy

You will need to lie on a bed and be observed for several hours to check that you have no bleeding. So, you may wish to bring in a book or an mp3 player for this time. If you come into hospital for the test, you may need to stay in overnight. However, if the biopsy was done early in the morning, you may be able to go home later in the day. You may have some discomfort which is usually eased by painkillers. The result of the biopsy may take a week or so to come back.
Your doctor may advise you not to take part in contact sports such as rugby for a certain length of time after the procedure. This is to make sure the kidney has a chance to heal properly.

You should seek medical advice if:

Your urine appears blood-stained.

The biopsy site becomes red or angry looking.

You develop a fever or temperature.

The biopsy site is still painful three days later and painkillers do not help.


Kemarin aku kena amik sampel buah pinggang (renal biopsy)..memang takut gak la..sehari sebelum buat biopsy ni kena puasa dulu..dari jam 12 malam sampai buat biopsy tu..Doktor awal2 dah bagitau apa itu renal biopsy, kenapa perlu buat, prosedur n risiko..

Renal biopsy ni dibuat untuk memastikan sama ada buah pinggang (kidney) dah rosak atau tak, n kalau dah rosak dah sampai stage brapa..ada beberapa sebab kenapa nak buat renal biopsy..sebab pertama..protein dalam urin terlalu aku 3+..sepatutnya tak ada protein wujud kat dalam urin orang yang sihat walafiat..yang keduanya ada hemoglobin(darah) dalam urin..aku punya 4+..

Macam pembedahan lain..walaupun renal biopsy ni pembedahan kecil je..risikonya tetap sama iaitu pendarahan dan jangkitan kuman tapi peratusan nak jadi tu memang teramat kecil la..

Prosedur.Awal2 pagi lagi (7.30 am) dalam keadaan masih berpuasa..aku, hubby n seorang nurse dah standby tunggu doktor kat pusat hemodialisis. Seorang nurse lain panggil aku n hubby tuk explain skali lagi pasal apa, mengapa, bagaimana, bla..bla.. pasal biopsy..

Then bila doktor datang..skali lagi aku kena explain benda yang sama..Doktor tu siap cubit tangan aku g..konon2 sakit biopsy tu cam kena cubitan manja dia tu la..pastu dia suh sign siti situ sana sini..aku pun diarahkan tuk meniarap dengan bantal kat bahagian perut..di assist 2 org nurse..doktor tanda bahagian belakang yang ngam2 ngan kidney sambil tengok kat nak buat pembedahan besar juga la..pastu dia suntik ubat yang dia ckp cam cubitan je tu..Allah..memang kusut jugala cadar tu kena gengaman aku..mcm nak mengelupur pun ada..sakit cam kena sengat lebah..panas tapi cepat kebas..pastu aku rasa dia cam tekan alat kat bahagian yang dia dah tanda tu sambil buat arahan"tarik nafas,tahan,hembus"..rasa sengal dan senak sikit..dari bunyi alat tu aku membayangkan stapler besar tu la..sebab dah aku meniarap..mana nak nampak..aku imagine je la..huhu

Tak sampai 10 minit dia kata dah siap..pasni aku kena baring kat wad..x leh bangun2 selama 8 jam..kencing pun kena buh dalam bekas..kira kencing kat katil la..xleh p tandas..tapi aku pastikan aku tak minum banyak..dalam masa 8 jam tu kira 5 sudu air je aku minum..kenapa x leh bangun? sebab nak pastikan luka tu ok n tak akan berlaku pendarahan dalaman..pas 8 jam baru boleh duduk pelan2..n p tandas..kalau urin clear..kira ok la tu..Lukanya sikit ja..sebab dia amik kidney sikit tuk buat sample..pasal tu dia dikira sebagai pembedahan kecil.

Paling tak tahan masa baring 8 jam tu la..sakit kepala n belakang dibuatnya..siap tawar menawar lagi ngan doktor tu..kot2 leh kurangkan masa..dia psiko la..kang pendarahan kang..cane?awak gak nak menanggung sakitnye..yala tuan doktor..huhu..

Kalau kat Sabah..result akan dapat dalam masa 3 ke 4,tunggu la resultnya nanti..


itu saje blog yg saye nk share pasal renal biopsy ni.ehee!


  1. hi niza...igt lagi x?

    me pun pnah wt renal biopsy ni...based on result already class 4 & 5..sad but true...
    hope ko tabah niza!

  2. wanie yang mana ni yeh?sorry,ramai kwn nama wanie..
    oh gosh, clas 4 & 5.lagi bahaya.. :(
    hope tabah juga di sana.

  3. multimedia college...dmb course..
    igt x 1st day we met masa isi borang? hahah...(igt kee??)
    doc suspect sakit ape niza?

  4. wanie DMB... jap2..lamo aih nak ingat..
    add fb niza boleh? Niza Razak.

    doc ckp sakit buah pinggang.. tahap 2..tak la bahaya mana..
    tapi kena kawal dgn makan ubat.. sbb kidney hampir rosakkan..

  5. rasanya already friend la kt fb..Noor Hawani..
    oh okay thx Allah tahap 2...anyhow kena jga gak kidney tu..jgn smpai ke tahap dialysis... =))

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